Cheryl Anne Stapp is a Sacramento-based author of five nonfiction California histories, with another currently in the works: an historian, researcher, and a sometime editor of historical data in other writer’s fiction.
She loves to share stories about California’s early days—the events, courageous settlers and titillating scoundrels—and frequently lectures to historical societies, civic groups, and women’s organizations about Sacramento history, the exciting stagecoach era in northern California, and the history of Sutter’s Fort. Her special interest is pioneer women: the decent ladies who tamed a wild, gold-fevered frontier, and the notorious, legendary harlots who achieved fame and fortune.
A graduate of California State University, Northridge, Cheryl lives with her husband in her native Sacramento—in bygone days an important Gold Rush town and stagecoach center—and volunteers as a docent at Sutter’s Fort State Historic Park.
To inquire about, or schedule a speaking engagement, contact her at chermail1@yahoo.com. Meantime, she invites you to learn more about California history by visiting her website “California’s Olden Golden Days” at https://cherylannestapp.com/.